Meaningful Participation Program

Notification: Meaningful Participation Platform Update

Faculty Affairs has integrated the Meaningful Participation Program (MPP) into the faculty data tracking system, SmartPath™. Faculty will now access MPP using SmartPath™. Credits approved prior to the integration were transferred to the SmartPath-MPP system.


The Meaningful Participation Program is designed to recognize the extraordinary efforts of clinical faculty in dedicating the time and expertise necessary to assure that every graduate of the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine has received the training necessary to become an effective, compassionate contributor to the well-being of the community.

SmartPath - Meaningful Participation Program Log-In

SmartPath - Meaningful Participation Program User Guide

What are the performance expectations for MPP?

  • Faculty will participate in the equivalent of three (3) professional development activities during a three-year period (appointment timeframe).
  • Faculty will obtain nine (9) service credits during a three-year period (appointment timeframe).
  • Faculty will report their activity in the MPP tracking tool.
  • Faculty will use a Corewell Health ID to access MPP.

Who is required to participate in the MPP?

Faculty members who hold a standard appointment.

MPP consists of two components:

Component 1: Faculty Professional Development (3 credit requirement)

Professional development activities that enhance the faculty member’s professional knowledge or their skills and abilities.

Examples include conferences or workshops specific to medical education in a designated field of study, continuing medical education (CME), professional development (non-CME), OUWB/Corewell health certificate programs, and OUWB promotion training.

Component 2: Service (9 credit requirement)

Service activities may include committee, community, professional, academic, or educational services that support the School of Medicine's vision and mission.

Examples include OUWB committee participation, Embark or PRISM mentorship, OUWB application screening and admissions interviewing, health-related community service to outside and educational organizations, authorship and presentations, and lecturing or working with OUWB students or Corewell Health residents.

View the full list of OUWB Professional Development and Service Activities.

Note: Components can be amended annually under the direction of the Committee on Appointments, Promotion and Tenure (CAPT), as outlined in the Bylaws. Suggestions for improvement should be submitted to the Assistant Dean of Faculty Affairs or the Committee on Appointments, Promotion and Tenure at


Attendance at a Corewell Health Grand Round, Morbidity & Mortality, or Tumor Board - Activity Value: 1

Note: If you are a presenter/facilitator, please record credit under Service/Educational Related Activity

Continuing Medical Education Event (CME) - Activity Value: 1

All Professional Development events that offer CME credit. Note: Log one credit separately for each day of a multiple-day event

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Professional Development - Activity Value: 1

Faculty/Professional Development (Non-CME) - Activity Value: 1

All Professional Development without CME credit offered. Note: Log one credit separately for each day of a multiple-day event

OUWB New Faculty Orientation - Activity Value: 1                                                                  

Note: Credit is logged by Faculty Affairs on behalf of faculty member

OUWB or Corewell Health Certificate Programs - Activity Value: 3

OUWB LEAD Program, The Clinical Teaching Program/Stanford Curriculum, OUWB Diversity Champions, and Corewell Health Physician Leadership Academy (BHPLA) Note: Three credits for the entire program

OUWB Promotion Training - Activity Value: 1

Note: Credit is logged by Faculty Affairs on behalf of the faculty member


Attendance at a Corewell Health Grand Round, Morbidity & Mortality, or Tumor Board - Activity Value: 1

Note: If you are a presenter/facilitator, please record credit under Service/Educational Related Activity

Continuing Medical Education Event (CME) - Activity Value: 1

All Professional Development events that offer CME credit. Note: Log one credit separately for each day of a multiple-day event

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Professional Development - Activity Value: 1

Faculty/Professional Development (Non-CME) - Activity Value: 1

All Professional Development without CME credit offered. Note: Log one credit separately for each day of a multiple-day event

OUWB New Faculty Orientation - Activity Value: 1                                                                  

Note: Credit is logged by Faculty Affairs on behalf of faculty member

OUWB or Corewell Health Certificate Programs - Activity Value: 3

OUWB LEAD Program, The Clinical Teaching Program/Stanford Curriculum, OUWB Diversity Champions, and Corewell Health Physician Leadership Academy (BHPLA) Note: Three credits for the entire program

OUWB Promotion Training - Activity Value: 1

Note: Credit is logged by Faculty Affairs on behalf of the faculty member




Note: Committee membership is recorded on a yearly basis

Admissions Recruitment Scholarship Committee - Activity Value: 2

Alpha Omega Alpha Committee - Activity Value: 2

Committee for Admissions - Activity Value: 9

Committee on Appointments, Promotion and Tenure (CAPT) - Activity Value: 5

Committee on Committees - Activity Value: 2

Committee on Faculty Recognition - Activity Value: 2

Committee on Research - Activity Value: 3

Committee on Student Awards - Activity Value: 2

Continuum of Medical Education Committee - Activity Value: 2

Curriculum Committee - Activity Value: 4

Curriculum Evaluation Subcommittee - Activity Value: 4

Departmental Committee on Appointments, Promotion and Tenure (DCAPT) - Activity Value: 4

Executive Committee - Activity Value: 3

Faculty Due Process Committee - Activity Value: 2

Leadership on Faculty Assembly - Activity Value: 3

M1/M2 Curriculum Subcommittee - Activity Value: 4

M3/M4 Curriculum Subcommittee - Activity Value: 4

OUWB Diversity Equity and Inclusion Council (OUWB DEIC) - Activity Value: 2

OUWB Learning Environment Oversight Committee - Activity Value: 2

Scholarship Committee - Activity Value: 3

Student Performance Review Committee (SPRC) - Activity Value: 4



Note: Committee membership is recorded on a yearly basis

Admissions Recruitment Scholarship Committee - Activity Value: 2

Alpha Omega Alpha Committee - Activity Value: 2

Committee for Admissions - Activity Value: 9

Committee on Appointments, Promotion and Tenure (CAPT) - Activity Value: 5

Committee on Committees - Activity Value: 2

Committee on Faculty Recognition - Activity Value: 2

Committee on Research - Activity Value: 3

Committee on Student Awards - Activity Value: 2

Continuum of Medical Education Committee - Activity Value: 2

Curriculum Committee - Activity Value: 4

Curriculum Evaluation Subcommittee - Activity Value: 4

Departmental Committee on Appointments, Promotion and Tenure (DCAPT) - Activity Value: 4

Executive Committee - Activity Value: 3

Faculty Due Process Committee - Activity Value: 2

Leadership on Faculty Assembly - Activity Value: 3

M1/M2 Curriculum Subcommittee - Activity Value: 4

M3/M4 Curriculum Subcommittee - Activity Value: 4

OUWB Diversity Equity and Inclusion Council (OUWB DEIC) - Activity Value: 2

OUWB Learning Environment Oversight Committee - Activity Value: 2

Scholarship Committee - Activity Value: 3

Student Performance Review Committee (SPRC) - Activity Value: 4


Attendance at Faculty Assembly Meeting - Activity Value: 1

Admissions Interviews (Per interview) - Activity Value: 2

Application Screener (5 Applications) - Activity Value: 2


Attendance at Faculty Assembly Meeting - Activity Value: 1

Admissions Interviews (Per interview) - Activity Value: 2

Application Screener (5 Applications) - Activity Value: 2


Note: Committee Membership is recorded on a yearly basis

Bio-Bank Scientific Advisory Committee - Activity Value: 2

CME Conflict of Interest (COI) Reviewer (1-20 Reviews) - Activity Value: 1

CME Conflict of Interest (COI) Reviewer (20+ Reviews) - Activity Value: 2

Continuing Medical Education (CME) Committee - Activity Value: 2

Corewell Health Quality Committees - Activity Value: 1

Council of Department Chairs and Program Directors - Activity Value: 3

Council on Health Equity and Health Care Disparities - Activity Value: 2

Departmental Committee on Resident Performance - Activity Value: 2

Departmental Residency Selection Committee - Activity Value: 2

Graduate Medical Education Committee - Activity Value: 2

Human Investigation Committee (HIC) Investigation Review Board - Activity Value: 3

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) - Activity Value: 3

Pediatric Clerkship Education Committee (PCEC) - Activity Value: 3

Research Liaison Committee - Activity Value: 2


Note: Committee Membership is recorded on a yearly basis

Bio-Bank Scientific Advisory Committee - Activity Value: 2

CME Conflict of Interest (COI) Reviewer (1-20 Reviews) - Activity Value: 1

CME Conflict of Interest (COI) Reviewer (20+ Reviews) - Activity Value: 2

Continuing Medical Education (CME) Committee - Activity Value: 2

Corewell Health Quality Committees - Activity Value: 1

Council of Department Chairs and Program Directors - Activity Value: 3

Council on Health Equity and Health Care Disparities - Activity Value: 2

Departmental Committee on Resident Performance - Activity Value: 2

Departmental Residency Selection Committee - Activity Value: 2

Graduate Medical Education Committee - Activity Value: 2

Human Investigation Committee (HIC) Investigation Review Board - Activity Value: 3

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) - Activity Value: 3

Pediatric Clerkship Education Committee (PCEC) - Activity Value: 3

Research Liaison Committee - Activity Value: 2


Coordinator for a Institutional, Regional, National, or International Organization Event - Activity Value: 1

Leadership in a Institutional, Regional, National or International Organization - Activity Value: 2

Membership on a Committee in a Institutional, Regional, National or International Organization - Activity Value: 1

Note: Committee membership is recorded on a yearly basis


Coordinator for a Institutional, Regional, National, or International Organization Event - Activity Value: 1

Leadership in a Institutional, Regional, National or International Organization - Activity Value: 2

Membership on a Committee in a Institutional, Regional, National or International Organization - Activity Value: 1

Note: Committee membership is recorded on a yearly basis


Community Education Lecture - Activity Value: 1

Medical-Related Community Service Activity - Activity Value: 1

Medical-Related Disaster or Humanitarian Relief - Activity Value: 2

Volunteer at Charity Clinic (half day) - Activity Value: 1

Volunteer at Charity Clinic (full day) - Activity Value: 2


Community Education Lecture - Activity Value: 1

Medical-Related Community Service Activity - Activity Value: 1

Medical-Related Disaster or Humanitarian Relief - Activity Value: 2

Volunteer at Charity Clinic (half day) - Activity Value: 1

Volunteer at Charity Clinic (full day) - Activity Value: 2


Abstract Reviewer - Activity Value: 1

Authorship in Peer-Reviewed Journal - Activity Value: 2

Book Authorship - Activity Value: 3

Book Chapter Authorship - Activity Value: 1

Editorial Board - Activity Value: 1

Grant Reviewer - Activity Value: 1

Journal Club - Activity Value: 1
Journal Club is recorded on a yearly basis, not per session

Journal Reviewer - Activity Value: 1

Manuscript Reviewer - Activity Value: 1

Mock Oral Board Examiner - Activity Value: 1

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Study Section - Activity Value: 3

Authorship in a Non-Peer-Reviewed Publication - Activity Value: 1

Oral Board Examiner - Activity Value: 1

OUWB Reviewer/Student Research Conference - Activity Value: 1

Poster/Oral Presentation - Activity Value: 1


Abstract Reviewer - Activity Value: 1

Authorship in Peer-Reviewed Journal - Activity Value: 2

Book Authorship - Activity Value: 3

Book Chapter Authorship - Activity Value: 1

Editorial Board - Activity Value: 1

Grant Reviewer - Activity Value: 1

Journal Club - Activity Value: 1
Journal Club is recorded on a yearly basis, not per session

Journal Reviewer - Activity Value: 1

Manuscript Reviewer - Activity Value: 1

Mock Oral Board Examiner - Activity Value: 1

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Study Section - Activity Value: 3

Authorship in a Non-Peer-Reviewed Publication - Activity Value: 1

Oral Board Examiner - Activity Value: 1

OUWB Reviewer/Student Research Conference - Activity Value: 1

Poster/Oral Presentation - Activity Value: 1


Note: Mentoring is recorded on a yearly basis

Art and Practice of Medicine Course Mentor (Eye Exam Skills Lab) - Activity Value: 2  

Art and Practice of Medicine Course Mentor (half session) - Activity Value: 1

Art and Practice of Medicine Course Mentor (one session) - Activity Value: 2

Book Chapter Authorship - Activity Value: 2

Clinical Optimization Specialist - Activity Value: 2
Recorded on a yearly basis

Communication in Healthcare Facilitator - Activity Value: 2

Corewell Annual Resident/Fellow Research Forum Judge - Activity Value: 1

Corewell Health Morbidity & Mortality, Tumor Board, or Grand Round Facilitator (per session) - Activity Value: 1

Corewell Health Residency Program Director - Activity Value: 2

Corewell Health Resident Mentor - Activity Value: 3

Course/Clerkship Director - Activity Value: 3

Departmental Career Advisor for OUWB Medical Students - Activity Value: 1

Directing or Co-Directing a Corewell Health Sponsored CME Activity or National Activity (full day) - Activity Value: 1

Elective Director - Activity Value: 3

Embark Judge - Activity Value: 2

Embark Project Mentor - Activity Value: 3

Faculty Advisor for OUWB Student Organization (one year) - Activity Value: 2

Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Certificate Program - Coach - Activity Value: 3

Lecturer (CME Setting or Non-CME setting) - Activity Value: 1

M2 Oral Presentation Judge - Activity Value: 2

Orientation Dinner Host - Activity Value: 1

OUWB Career Advising Coordinator (one year) - Activity Value: 2

OUWB High School Summer Internship Program (In-Person) - Activity Value: 1

OUWB High School Summer Internship Program (Online) - Activity Value: 1

OUWB Medical Student/Corewell Resident Education in a Clinical Setting - Inpatient (one week) - Activity Value: 1

OUWB Medical Student/Corewell Resident Education in a Clinical Setting - Inpatient (one month) - Activity Value: 4

OUWB Medical Student/Corewell Resident Education in a Clinical Setting - Outpatient (half day) - Activity Value: .5

OUWB Medical Student/Corewell Resident Education in a Clinical Setting - Outpatient (one day) - Activity Value: 1

OUWB Medical Student/Corewell Resident Education in a Clinical Setting - Outpatient (one week) - Activity Value: 3

OUWB Student Shadowing - Activity Value: 1

Pediatric Simulation Laboratory Program/Instructor - Activity Value: 1

PRISM Program Mentor - Activity Value: 9
Credit is logged by Faculty Affairs on behalf of faculty member

Research Mentor - Activity Value: 3

Simulation Laboratory Program Coordinator - Activity Value: 1

Small Group Facilitator (one session) - Activity Value: 1

Stanford Training Facilitator (per year) - Activity Value: 2

Supervision of OUWB Medical Students in a Service Learning Setting (half day) - Activity Value: 1

Supervision of OUWB Medical Students in a Service Learning Setting (one day) - Activity Value: 2

Team Based Learning (TBL) Facilitator - Activity Value: 1


Note: Mentoring is recorded on a yearly basis

Art and Practice of Medicine Course Mentor (Eye Exam Skills Lab) - Activity Value: 2  

Art and Practice of Medicine Course Mentor (half session) - Activity Value: 1

Art and Practice of Medicine Course Mentor (one session) - Activity Value: 2

Book Chapter Authorship - Activity Value: 2

Clinical Optimization Specialist - Activity Value: 2
Recorded on a yearly basis

Communication in Healthcare Facilitator - Activity Value: 2

Corewell Annual Resident/Fellow Research Forum Judge - Activity Value: 1

Corewell Health Morbidity & Mortality, Tumor Board, or Grand Round Facilitator (per session) - Activity Value: 1

Corewell Health Residency Program Director - Activity Value: 2

Corewell Health Resident Mentor - Activity Value: 3

Course/Clerkship Director - Activity Value: 3

Departmental Career Advisor for OUWB Medical Students - Activity Value: 1

Directing or Co-Directing a Corewell Health Sponsored CME Activity or National Activity (full day) - Activity Value: 1

Elective Director - Activity Value: 3

Embark Judge - Activity Value: 2

Embark Project Mentor - Activity Value: 3

Faculty Advisor for OUWB Student Organization (one year) - Activity Value: 2

Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Certificate Program - Coach - Activity Value: 3

Lecturer (CME Setting or Non-CME setting) - Activity Value: 1

M2 Oral Presentation Judge - Activity Value: 2

Orientation Dinner Host - Activity Value: 1

OUWB Career Advising Coordinator (one year) - Activity Value: 2

OUWB High School Summer Internship Program (In-Person) - Activity Value: 1

OUWB High School Summer Internship Program (Online) - Activity Value: 1

OUWB Medical Student/Corewell Resident Education in a Clinical Setting - Inpatient (one week) - Activity Value: 1

OUWB Medical Student/Corewell Resident Education in a Clinical Setting - Inpatient (one month) - Activity Value: 4

OUWB Medical Student/Corewell Resident Education in a Clinical Setting - Outpatient (half day) - Activity Value: .5

OUWB Medical Student/Corewell Resident Education in a Clinical Setting - Outpatient (one day) - Activity Value: 1

OUWB Medical Student/Corewell Resident Education in a Clinical Setting - Outpatient (one week) - Activity Value: 3

OUWB Student Shadowing - Activity Value: 1

Pediatric Simulation Laboratory Program/Instructor - Activity Value: 1

PRISM Program Mentor - Activity Value: 9
Credit is logged by Faculty Affairs on behalf of faculty member

Research Mentor - Activity Value: 3

Simulation Laboratory Program Coordinator - Activity Value: 1

Small Group Facilitator (one session) - Activity Value: 1

Stanford Training Facilitator (per year) - Activity Value: 2

Supervision of OUWB Medical Students in a Service Learning Setting (half day) - Activity Value: 1

Supervision of OUWB Medical Students in a Service Learning Setting (one day) - Activity Value: 2

Team Based Learning (TBL) Facilitator - Activity Value: 1

How do faculty report activity?

OUWB Faculty Affairs sends a monthly reminder email with directions on how to access the SmartPath MPP tracking tool. Faculty members must self-report activities to fulfill the requirements for maintaining a faculty appointment. 

The tracking tool is not intended to replace your CV.

How are standard or clinical faculty reappointed?

Faculty members who meet the faculty professional development and service requirements shall be reappointed for an additional three-year cycle (appointment timeframe).

Faculty members who do not meet the requirements shall forfeit their faculty appointment with OUWB. The school may consider a new application for re-appointment upon the recommendation of the appropriate department chair. At that time, the candidate, in partnership with the department chair, must identify the specific scope of responsibilities and the anticipated contributions to the academic mission of OUWB. Reappointment recommendations for individuals who have lost their appointment are subject to the approval of the Department Chair, DCAPT, CAPT, Dean, and the Oakland University Board of Trustees.

Individuals who fail to meet the MPP criteria in two separate appointment time frames (3 years) will be ineligible for a future faculty appointment. Faculty members who lose their appointment may forfeit their opportunity to participate in the Physician Payer Adjustment Program (PPAP).

Contact Information
For questions regarding MPP, please contact OUWB Faculty Affairs at

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